COVID-19: As the World Mourns, These Hands Heal, 18” x 24”, acrylic on canvas, 2020SoldDescriptionPrint Prices Courage Under Fire, 24” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices Fulfill the Dream: ‘Let Freedom Ring’, 20” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices The Hypocrisy of American Liberty, 18” x 24”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices Dr. Abdu Sharkawy: With Clean Hands and Open Hearts, We Can Reach the Summit Together, 18” x 24”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DonatedDescription Courage in the Eye of the Storm, 24” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices Look Up, 20” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices Breaking the Chains that Bind, 20” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices A Ray of Hope, 20” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices Anxiety: Pushing Against the Pull, 20” x 30”, acrylic on canvas, 2020DescriptionPrint Prices